PM Modi says supporting Ayurveda is a vibrant example of being Vocal for Local

The country observed the National Ayurveda Day on Friday, November 10. The theme of the 2023 Ayurveda Day was ‘Ayurveda for One Health’ with the tagline ‘Ayurveda for everyone on every day’. 

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who has been a great proponent of the Ayurveda system of medicine over time, said that supporting Ayurveda was a vibrant example of being Vocal for Local. The Prime Minister said this in a post uploaded on the social media platform 'X'. 

Here is the post in full:

"On the auspicious occasion of Dhanteras, we also mark Ayurveda Day. It is an occasion to salute the innovators and practitioners who are blending this ancient knowledge with modernity, propelling Ayurveda to new heights globally. From groundbreaking research to dynamic startups, Ayurveda is furthering new paths to wellness. Supporting Ayurveda is also a vibrant example of being #VocalForLocal."

In a separate event, Union AYUSH minister Sarbananda Sonowal said that an organized Ayurveda eco-system is being built by the Ministry of AYUSH at the global level through education, research, products, and services. "Let us together create a people’s movement for Ayurveda and imbibe it in our daily lives,” the minister said. 

In Kerala, the Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala celebrated the National Ayurveda Day with Arya Vaidya Sala managing trustee and chief physician P. M. Varier hoisting the flag in front of Kailasamandiram, the headquarters of Arya Vaidya Sala. Dr Varier said that the significance of Ayurveda in the modern world was on the rise. 

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